Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just plain tired....

Oh Girls...(and boys),

I am exhausted...

I need some time to rest up to even be tired!

My world is spinning so fast...is yours? When do we get to stop and see the glorious colors that illuminate the sky in a sunrise? When do we simply sit and listen to the birds converse with one another? When do we look around and say - enough - and mean it?

Well I'm saying...enough...

I've been tired before - when I was in nursing school and staying up til all hours completing care plans and then being on the floor by 6:30 am....for a girl who likes her pillow, that was a bit of a stretch. Yep, I was tired then.

I've been worn out...a young mom with little girls and babies don't always sleep through the night right away - what's up with that?! And fevers never spike until the middle of the night...and throw up always seems to happen "on the way to the bathroom" in the dark...yep...worn out pretty much summed me up in those days.

I've been at the end of my rope...holding on for dear life as girls learned to play the piano, play the violin, play the flute, play the drums, play soccer, learned to drive, figured out curfews, and boys, and friends....yep, that rope was pretty frayed...

I've been beat...who knew grandkids could move so fast and require so much attention and need so many snacks and want to play so many games and laugh and make life so "grand"...but boy, (and there's three of them right now)...I've been beat...whew! I need to rest a minute just anticipating them coming next week.

But this time...I'm exhausted...and frankly...enough is enough!

Exhaustion comes in many forms...
  •          lack of sleep....ah the joys of being an aging woman...my eyes are drooping, my vision is blurry, my pillow is calling, but my mind won't shut down!
  •         creaking joints...the last thing I wanted the ortho to say was "arthritis" but he said it nonetheless and some days it just wears me out - you know, moving...
  •         still having to plan meals - I mean seriously...doesn't it say somewhere that empty nesters don't have to plan meals? But if you don't, then what's for dinner? Anybody?
  •         people needing me non-stop...all day, every day...I mean, who really thought cell phones was the way to go? You are ALWAYS on call!
  •        a world that seems to spin at the speed of light now instead of the rotating slowly from morning til night...can somebody stop this so I can get off?

Are any of you with me? Too many people asking too much of you too much of the time? Can I please get a spa day...or week...or year? Am I simply talking to myself?

Jesus said...come unto me and I will give you rest....cast your cares on me, I care for you.

Oh those are words I need to hear...need to ponder...need to heed.

Just listening to the voice of Jesus renews me, calms my heart...

It's decided...I'm going slow things down...take a rest...at the feet of Jesus...

Care to join me?

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